Sunday, October 26, 2008

Emma's Bucket List

Since Emma most likely only has 3 months max left on this Earth (whether in utero or alive), I thought it'd be nice to make a bucket list for her - things she needs to try out. Most of these things will need to be via me since she's inside of me. I'm asking for your help in suggestions. Here are a few of the ideas/suggestions we've had thus far:
  • go sledding
  • taste chocolate (after she's born)
  • smell the different fragrances at a store like Bath and Body Works

I should also add that more than anything, I want to do this so that we're purposely creating memories with Emma while we have the chance.

So what would you add to Emma's bucket list?


Josie said...

Hear a live orchestra/symphony!

Anonymous said...

jump in a big leaf pile or just crunch them

Anonymous said...

go swimming! via you :) find a nice heated pool and have a ball!

Anonymous said...

If she were just a bit later coming, I would say
- smell Lilacs blooming in the springtime.
But since her time is so precious, I think she needs to cuddle with her Dad. There is (should be) a special bond between Dads and Daughters. This bond will be of limited duration in mortality, but it will still exist through eternity. January will be a good time to foster that bond, if only for 30 seconds.

Lynette and Brad said...

Visit Temple Square and listen to the MoTab perform.

Heidi said...

Experience all the sounds and smells of the holiday season. Turkey dinner, holiday cookies, Christmas carols.

Anonymous said...

so I am going to add one more I couldn't stop thinking of at church today and that was for Tim to be able to bless her :) maybe she could even wear a white dress at the hospital

McKenna said...

I think you can cross "help a whole bunch of people" off of Emma's list. She's got that one covered already.
As far as something else...I've never had a massage and I've always wanted one. "Massage Via Mom" should definitely be on the list :)

Kim said...

My favorite thing, that'a a little vain, and that I would like to do with my daughter some day is to do pedicures together. So go have a specail day and get that massage as listed above and a pedicure and think of her the entire time.

whitney.evan said...

mine is kind of like some of the ones above-but i think she just needs to be able to experience to joy of music!

Erika @ Andover ClOthing said...

I think she wants to have a day where she (you) eats whatever she wants without feeling guilty :)

Also, sit on Santa's lap (I'm picturing this already - so cute! Pregnant Tiffany sitting on Santa's lap)

Get a dog. No, just kidding!!!

Tara Bishop said...

Make christmas cookies!!! Ya!

Also, I think she should experience nature. I have always felt close the Savior and a greater understanding of His plan out in nature.

Eli said...

Two definites: she needs to be sung to, and she needs to feel the warmth of the sun on her. You can sing while she's in utero, and with the cold weather, the sun will probably have to be through a window, but I think both are simple enough to do, and can be so special.

Anonymous said...

As the replies above indicated, the best memories are often those that come from just every day life. I would add: listening to the laughter of her parents and brother, and feeling the warm embrace of her family and the joy that comes form being loved by so many people in the world.

lisa moore said...

Very random idea, but she needs to feel the love and protection of her big brothers. Perhaps have the boys take you on a walk, while teaching them about chivalry and being knights in shining armor, protecting you and Emma all the way. Also (big fan of books and reading to even the smallest of children), when reading to the boys cuddled on the couch, help them to know and feel that she is there listening as well.

Spence said...

nature walk in the fall... or just a picnic in the park

Linda Cameron said...

I agree with reading to Emma. Read favorites: A Fly Went By, Green Eggs and Ham, etc. When she's moving, recite nursery rhymes and favorite scriptures. Let her know how well she fits her name. You are an elect lady in my book, Tiffany.

Anonymous said...

Pray all together with the whole family and try to imagine listening to her praying also...Kids listen to your words while in utero...Whenever you have difficulties during pregnancy or after, try to sing or pray the same scriptures you have prayed together. We are all supporting you, even if just by writing...

Nigel said...

-eat goldfish crackers
-watch a bugs bunny cartoon
-sing the abc's incorrectly
-take a nap with your siblings (and sleep in a big pile like a litter of puppies)
-watch grandma cook
-open a christmas present (then play with the box and/or wrapping paper)
-stomp in a puddle (stomp more, stomp harder, and stomp faster when your parents protest)
-go down the big slide