Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Waiting Game

When I first got my blood drawn and sent it off to Duke for additional testing on whether my chromosomes are abnormal, I wasn't worried at all about the results that would come back. But I find now, the longer I wait, the more nervous I make myself about what the results will actually be. Hopefully we'll hear back any day now, but it could be a week or more still.


Janet said...

What is this additional testing for? Sorry, I'm out of the loop...

Kristen Brady said...

I'm anxious for your results as well! It's amazing how waiting makes our female minds go crazy! Hang in there!

Holly said...

It's nervewracking waiting for results. I hope you hear something soon!!

Misty said...

Thinking of you every step of the way!

Anonymous said...

Any day... those are probably the WORST kinds of days. I hope you hear something soon too.

You are an impressive blogger. No matter what the post, I am so deeply impressed. I do not say this lightly (sorry I never seem to have the right words). I think you are just amazing.

MiCKeY said...
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